Monday, August 13, 2012

A Battle of Beliefs: Buddhism Vs. Christianity

Buddhism and Christianity, two different religions, two different sets of rules, two different disciplines, two different philosophies, two different faiths.
This past week I have been exploring both of these, finding out what the similarities and differences are between them.

Some of the obvious differences between these two religions are that Buddhists do not follow any Gods or deities, whereas Christianity is a Monotheistic religion, it believes in one God only. Buddhists believe that they have to earn and work for their salvation. For Christians, it comes as a free gift. Eternal life for a Buddhist depends on their Karmic state; Christians get eternal life in Heaven as a result of their faith in god. Buddhism doesn't deal with the beginning or the end of the world, Christianity teaches of a God that created the world and rules it accordingly to His plan. Buddhists teachings are just words from a man's head, but the Bible is the ‘Word of God’. Buddhists believe in reincarnation, Christianity has a defined Heaven and Hell. In Buddhism, each person is his own refuge but in Christianity the ultimate judgement is by God.

Both of the teachings of the two different religions are based on the welfare of all people, they both have an emphasis on love for all of mankind. Both births of the founder were through mysterious circumstances, including omens and miracles. Jesus Christ is believed by Christians to be the Son of God, or God in the form of Man. Siddattha Gotama was a wealthy prince from Northern India who eventually became a homeless holy man in order to discover the source of true happiness. Siddattha is now known as Buddha. 

Aside from all of the factual differences and similarities, I wanted to know what the moral comparisons were. I wanted to compare the principles behind the two religions. I found out that in Buddhism, there are five guidelines to living a Buddhist life.
1) I vow to avoid killing living beings where possible
2) I vow to avoid taking what is not given
3) I vow to not misuse sex
4) I vow not to use false speech
5) I vow to not loose control by drugs (except for medical purposes).
I think these are good morals to have in your life. They are similar to the Christian’s Ten Commandments.
1)    You must not have any other god but me.
2)    You must not make for yourself an idol.
3)    You must not misuse the name of the Lord of your God.
4)    Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5)    Honour your father and mother.
6)    You must not murder.
7)    You must not commit adultery.
8)    You must not steal.
9)    You must not testify falsely against your neighbour.
10)You must not covet.
I also think these are good morals to live by as well, but refer more towards God.

Overall, the main similarity between Buddhism and Christianity is their moral codes. They both believe in doing things for the benefit of everyone. The main difference between them is their core principles. Buddhism is roughly based on the idea of self and  Christianity's focus is on loving God.

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